TF Properties and fields of application
SILA® TF is a noise-reducing carpet that combines the perfect look of sheet flooring with the many benefits of loose-laid tiles. For example, damaged areas can be replaced very easily. This flooring features attractive random patterns in many modern designs and comprehensive additional comfort features and looks like a business card.
SILA® TF is ideally suited as a floor covering wherever a creative, representative appearance is to be realised and guests and staff are to experience unique comfort.
The clear product benefits offered by this floor covering include the following:
TF Product benefits
Excellent appearance and unique comfort
Flexible, depending on the collection, non-directional installation and replacement while the business is live
Excellent stain resistance
Reduced cleaning costs
Hygienic protection against bacteria, mould or odour
Anti-allergenic, dust-binding and promoting indoor air quality
Noise abatement and reduced accident risks
Extremely comfortable to walk and stand on
TF Design collection
SILA® TF is available in about 100 different collections.
A brochure with samples is available on request.
A brochure with samples is available on request.
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