LITH Properties and fields of application
SILA® LITH is a multifunctional, highly abrasion-resistant industrial flooring of excellent quality that can withstand extreme loads. The dense, closed surface is particularly low in dust and therefore ideally suited for storage, production and exhibition.
SILA® LITH industrial flooring combines toughness, durability and elasticity in a unique way. Neither resting loads nor vehicles leave marks on this robust flooring, so even after years of use, a change of use is possible without having to fit a new floor.
SILA® LITH can be fitted without joints and facilitates particularly even surfaces. Forklift truck drivers have appreciated the even finish of SILA LITH for years. The excellent conductive properties offer maximum safety for employees and for sensitive technical equipment and production environments.
The clear product benefits offered by this floor covering include the following:
LITH Product benefits
No moisture-induced cracks
Secure bonding even on poor sub-floor
Easy to repair
Can be designed in different colours
Resistant to greases, lubricants and solvents
Extremely flat, where relevant in accordance with DIN 15185, DIN 18620, VDMA
Weekend refurbishment possible
LITH Design collection
Cream beige
Dark white
Light white
Light grey
Black grey
LITH Technical data
Surface hardness | 200-400 N/mm2 |
Compressive strength | 40-70 N/mm2 |
Bending tensile strength | 9-11 N/mm2 |
Thermal conductivity | 0,7 W/(m*K) |
Conductivity | < 106 Ohm |
Slip resistance | R9/R10 |
Coefficient of sliding friction | < 0,45 |
Resistance | yes |
Accuracy | DIN 18202/Line 4; DIN 15185; DIN 18620; VDMA |
Density | 1,8-2,1 g/cm3 |
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Unser SILA® LITH Industriefußboden begeistert Unternehmen wie: Porsche, Daimler, BMW, AMG, Brabus, Continental, Miele, u.v.m.
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